Academic Enrichment Class

Intervention: Academic Enrichment Class

Area: Literacy

Tier: 2

Type: Intervention Structure

Major Focus: TBD by SST based on individual student need

Description: Semester course that addresses gaps in literacy skills.

Targeted Students: Elementary     Middle       High 

Subgroup within Level: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Entrance Criteria: Approximately one grade level below benchmark up to benchmark. Basic RI score that is mid-range or above

Exit Criteria: On grade level/proficient

Intervention Requirements: daily x 45 minutes (direct teacher time=20 minutes/day), certified teacher, class size <18

Progress Monitoring: Determined by SST based on intervention

Implementation Considerations: Specific intervention to be used will be determined by the SST and the interventionist.

Availability: All middle schools

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