Guided Notes

Intervention: Guided Notes

Area: Social-Emotional/Behavioral

Tier: 2

Type: Research Validated Instructional Practice

Major Focus: Executive Skills, Organization and Preparedness, Sustaining Attention

Description: Teacher creates notes that also include spots for the student to write down notes from the lesson. Increases active engagement. Teacher must review notes with student after the lesson.

Targeted Students: Elementary     Middle       High 

Subgroup within Level: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Entrance Criteria: TBD by SST/SRBI team

Exit Criteria: Grade-level performance

Intervention Requirements: In alignment with Tier 2 expectations

Progress Monitoring: External source needed

Implementation Considerations:

Availability: Free- follow the link

Research Backing:  Independent research

Link to Intervention: