Incremental Rehearsal

Intervention: Incremental Rehearsal

Area: Literacy

Tier: 2

Type: Research Validated Instructional Practice

Major Focus: Sight Words, Foundational Literacy Skills

Description: Presentation of unknown items along with known items to increase retention. Best used for learning discrete items, such as sight words, letter names, etc.

Targeted Students: Elementary     Middle       High 

Subgroup within Level: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Entrance Criteria: TBD by SST/SRBI team

Exit Criteria: Grade-level performance

Intervention Requirements: 3-4x/wk, 10-15 minutes

Progress Monitoring: External source needed

Implementation Considerations: Click or tap here to enter text.

Availability: Free: follow link

Research Backing:  Independent research

Link to Intervention: