Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words (SIPPS)

Intervention: Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words (SIPPS)

Area: Literacy

Tier: 2

Type: Commercial Tool

Major Focus: Foundational Literacy Skills, Decoding, Sight Words

Description: Systematic approach to teaching phonological awareness, phonics, and sight words to students of all ages. Includes three levels: Beginning (K-3), Extension (K-3), Challenge (2-12). Digital and print versions of the teacher manual available. Embedded fluency practice libraries.

Targeted Students: Elementary     Middle       High 

Subgroup within Level: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Entrance Criteria: TBD by SST/SRBI team based on PI or DIBELS score below benchmark

Exit Criteria: Grade-level performance

Intervention Requirements: TBD based on student need; aligned with Tier 2 expectations

Progress Monitoring: Includes a downloadable placement and assessment test (k-3 version and 4-12 version)

Implementation Considerations: K-3 Intervention Package (all three levels for k-3)= $2000, Full intervention package (all levels k-12)= $2600, individual levels $500-$700.


Research Backing:  Multiple comparative studies

Link to Intervention: